Late afternoon yesterday I was outside and noticed the two to three foot long icicles hanging off the eaves of my cabin roof. The sun, poking just over the tree tops, had turned sections of the ice into those little yellow strip lights so many people string around their houses throughout the year, casting a gentle, warm glow in the middle of each night.
I tried several angles to get what I hoped would be the best shot and finally settled on standing on top of the snowbank surrounding the cabin, jamming my shoulder into the wall and shooting through the icicles towards the sun. Some minor cleaning up in Photoshop and this is what I ended up with. Shot with my Nikon D300 and 105mm micro lens.
HI Mark- Nice work, I particularly like the tree section. And a good variety too - action, nature, still life, etc. The writing, descriptions and commenta re an excellent companion to the work as well. Very good blog, I'll be checking in later - Hope this gets you some well deserved recognition.
I love how something so simple can be so beautiful. You did a magnificent job capturing the warmth and coolness of the subject. :)
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